Mental Health & Counselling

Theory and evidence-based practice, delivered with care.

Why work with a psychologist, occupational therapist or mental health social worker?


Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Mental Health Social Workers learn about the science of the brain and behaviour.

No matter what's happening in your life, your thinking patterns (how you think about yourself and your world), routines/habits, and your choices can each contribute to the way you feel about your circumstances. This is important because it's powerful.  

No matter what's happening in your life, there are always options, and alternative perspectives that can help to heal and help to nurture your mental health.

Here are some examples of what we do


COVID-19 and Mental Health

This year is different; confronting and unfamiliar, and many of us are feeling different too. If you're experiencing unusually high levels of anxiety or depression it can be helpful to understand what's happening, what to do about it, and get a wrangle on those feelings. 


Anxiety is our bodies natural response to a dangerous or threatening situation. Anxiety is our bodies way of letting us know what we need to be on alert, prepared, plan or problem solve. Anxiety is only a problem if it persists even when there is not threat of real danger, or when it interferes with your everyday life.


We all feel sad, irritable, down or rejected sometimes. However, if those feelings have persisted for more than two weeks, or you've lost interest in activities that you usually enjoy, you might be experiencing a bout of depression. Creating healthy routines can help as a starting point; eating well, walking, doing activities you love, and talking to people who care about you can all help.

Anger Management

Yelling or threatening others to get your point across rarely helps others to hear your point of view. That's because yelling and threats induces a fear response in most people. When they feel fear, it's difficult to think about your perspective. Others might react to yelling by yelling. Again, the goal is lost and the situation will escalate. The emotion might always be there, but the behaviour can change.


Understanding my Autism as an Adult

ASD helps us to understand the way an individual processes information. An ASD processing style shapes their daily life, career, interests and relationships. We can work with you to build a deeper understanding of ASD processing and how that surmounts to your own personal strengths and challenges.

Understanding my ADHD as an Adult

ADHD in adulthood can bring challenges to managing daily routines, a career and a family. If you feel that ADHD sometimes holds you back, we can work with you to explore strategies that are a good fit for you, to help you reach your goals.

Understanding my Dyslexia as an Adult

Dyslexia is particularly challenge during childhood. By adulthood, many have found ways to live full, interesting lives and careers, working around their difficulties. If you feel that there is more that you'd like to learn about yourself, and strategies to try, we can help.

Grief & Loss

Grief and Loss happens in our lives. This is a time when you feel what you want to feel and should give yourself permission to do so. These moments test us all and can be made more tolerable with time, the company of others, and self-care.

For some people, psychologists can be helpful. They listen, and can help people to find acceptance, comfort, and a way forward.


A New Relationship

A new relationship or getting married signifies a new life chapter, sharing your life and dreams intimately with another. This new chapter can understandably bring with it apprehension, fears, stress, excitement, difficulties focusing on work, and sometimes a see-saw of moods. We appreciate the realities of this amazing life moment and are here to support individuals or couples to find clarity and appreciate this moment in their lives.

Parenting Support

We understand the realities of parenting children in the twenty-first century with technology, changing trends, and the expectations that we place on ourselves to be the parent we're trying to be, in amongst our busy lives.

If you would like to work with us, our positive parenting approach is evidence and research based.  We focus on relationships, attachment, routines and expectations that help to raise secure, caring, confident kids.

Study Stress

Managing timetables, deadlines, personal expectations, future pressures, work and study balance, and mass volume learning is never easy.

Reach out to friends, find out how they give themselves balance and downtime, reach out for help, and overhaul your routine.

Notice your nutrition and sleep patterns, they have an incredible impact on mental alertness and learning. If you need help to strike a better balance and find your stride, We have many tools, evidence-based, and tried and tested. 

A New Career

Looking for a new job or a new career. We can help if you're finding it hard to find the motivation or confidence to seek and find. We can also undertake assessments to explore what career path might be most suited to your skills and talents.


Seek, Find & Grow

Your psychologist can work with you to help you find strength in who you are, or who you want to be, how you want to be treated, and how you'd like to live your life. Learn about relationships, balance and wellbeing that nurturing for you. 

Supportive counselling for LGBTQ+

Our counselling team are committed to understanding and supporting individuals that have experienced challenges of discrimination, bullying or unfair rejection due to the unacceptable behaviours of others. We provide a safe, non-judgemental space to explore the diverse and powerful emotional realities personal to you.

Transgender counselling support

We offer a caring counselling service for individuals, couples and families seeking to better understand transgender themes and seeking support.


Counselling is available face-to-face or via telehealth.

Learn how to prepare for a successful Telehealth session.